Year 11 students provide Baby Boxes for Humanitarian Aid - Latest News - St Clement Danes School



Year 11 students provide Baby Boxes for Humanitarian Aid

Despite being busy with their GCSE studies, Year 11 students have spent time creating Baby Boxes to send to refugee camps in the Middle East. They are supporting Samara’s Aid Appeal, a  self-funded appeal operating under the auspices of Feed The Hungry, UK and decided to act having heard about the appeal from Year 11 Form Tutor Mrs Savin.

The appeal was established to help relieve suffering through the provision of humanitarian aid in the Middle East and other countries. Mum Samara Levy initiated the appeal in August 2014 when she sent an email to other school mums asking them to donate winter clothes and shoes to send to the children and families who had been displaced in Iraq as a result or war. This appeal has since developed into a large humanitarian aid project.  Between October 2014 to December 2016 the charity has sent a total of 62 consignments to the Middle East, in articulated lorries and containers, carrying clothes, shoes, bedding, toiletries/hygiene items, essential medical equipment, ambulances and school equipment.  The charity has also opened hospitals in Syria and is working towards opening more hospitals.

Each Year 11 form has compiled a Baby Box containing a substantial amount of essential baby items to send with the next consignment. The students have organised the contents of the boxes, dividing the items between them to buy, and have carefully packed their form’s banana box.The boxes will be delivered to local churches, from where they will begin their journey towards their final destination.

Well done to all  the students in Year 11 who have made such a fantastic effort to help others suffering as a result of war and displacement from their homes and countries.

Please follow the link below to find out more about Samara’s Aid, and for facts about the humanitarian crisis in the Middle East.



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