MFL news - Latest News - St Clement Danes School



MFL news

Students and staff from the Modern Foreign Language faculty have started 2017 by sending their French pen friends good wishes for the New Year!

The tradition in France is to send "Bonne Année" cards, rather than Christmas cards, and it is an opportunity for people to send others their good wishes for the New Year. Our students have followed this French tradition and have created their own cards for their French pen friends with some very original designs.

MFL are also running a competition for Year 7, in which the students have been set the task of creating a model representing an aspect of French culture. The students are required to research their project first and then create a model, preferably using recycled material from Christmas.

This is the second year the competition has been running and staff from MFL are very impressed with the students' creations. They will be faced with a very difficult task in selecting a winner after the competition deadline on Friday 13th January.

Finally, the very popular French board games club is open to all Year 7 students every Wednesday lunch time in L6. The faculty has a good selection of board games for students to use whilst practising their French in a more creative way.

Our Year 7 MFL students are certainly very busy, and we look forward to sharing more news about MFL activities across other year groups during the year.



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