Rickmansworth Firefighters offer road safety advice to sixth form students - Latest News - St Clement Danes School



Rickmansworth Firefighters offer road safety advice to sixth form students

On Tuesday 18th October firefighters from Rickmansworth Fire Station visited the school to talk to Year 13 students during their personal Development session. The talk related to Road Awareness Training (RATs) and was designed to show the students some of the consequences of not behaving safely on the road. The talk consisted of a series of statistics, questions and videos which covered a range of topics including seatbelts, drinking, drugs and distractions, giving examples of young drivers showing off whilst driving. It concluded with a very emotional and heartfelt film, which was narrated by the mother of a 17 year old boy, who relayed the story of her son who was killed whilst driving following a night out with friends.

The Year 13 students listened intently during this serious talk. Many of these students are already driving vehicles, or are having lessons, and they related to the subject matter of this talk.

The firefighters kindly offered an open invitation to anyone wishing to go and look around the Rickmansworth station. They asked that anyone interested in doing so should call the station (not via 999), and that they will do their best to accommodate any requests.

Social Sciences teacher and Duke of Edinburgh Award Coordinator, Mr Taylor, would like to extend his thanks on behalf of the students to firefighters  Dave, Steve, Jim and Jose from Rickmansworth  Fire Station for attending the school and providing this most worthwhile and informative talk.



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