Who Doesn’t Love a Non-uniform Day? By Selvi Aydemir - Latest News - St Clement Danes School



Who Doesn’t Love a Non-uniform Day? By Selvi Aydemir

St Clement Danes, thank you for your support! With your help we have managed to raise £3032.62 and support those affected by the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria.

On the 6th February 2023, I was told the awful news that Turkey has been hit by an emergency disaster and had been left devasted by not one, but two earthquakes and over 9,100 aftershocks. Watching the news unfold I was left feeling utterly helpless and deeply saddened by the rising death toll.

This is a cause close to my heart as Turkey is my home country. I understand first hand the devastation, damage and harm the earthquake has caused to the families and people in Turkey and Syria, as well as the families affected in our school community. It is truly heart breaking.

As a country they are directly impacted by earthquakes and are only able to rebuild after the support of people like my family, who after the 1999 earthquake in Istanbul, raised over £1000. Money has a direct impact on action and resources. I know that we have made a big difference through our school fundraiser.

The money raised will go a long way in supporting earthquake victims and those families in desperate need in Turkey and Syria. A huge thank you to everyone who made cakes, bought cakes and donated towards our whole school non-uniform day which took place on the 3rd of March 2023 in aid of fundraising for this cause.

A huge thank you to our headteacher Mr Sutherland for giving us this opportunity and thank you to Mr Garvey for making it such a successful fundraiser and helping me with it all. Thank you to my friends who participated in the chaotic bake sale, Amber Raja, Emma Robertson, Yhavi Modasia, Charlotte Mastin, Iman Siddiqui, Dayanita Shukla, Elena Burger, Milly O’Mahony, Kian Nostrati and Lani Ringel. It was a fun experience for us all and without their help and support this day wouldn’t have been possible!

By taking part, in one form or another, you have managed to help change the life of others.


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