DofE Silver Training Day - Latest News - St Clement Danes School



DofE Silver Training Day

In early February we held a DofE Silver Training day for eighty Year 10 students on site. The students were split into their expedition groups where half the group went out in the morning to complete a micro-navigation course on Chorleywood common and the other half stayed on site to plan their qualifying routes for their expedition in May which will be taking place in the Cotswolds. In the afternoon the groups swapped over. Thanks to all the staff and volunteers who attended for ensuring a successful training day.

190 Bronze DofE students have also been working online to get some basic expedition training completed as well as face to face sessions after school. These  students are due to go on their expedition on 10th-11th or 12th-13th March where they will leave school in the morning of day 1 and walk to Phasels Wood campsite, camp overnight and return to school by a different route back the following day.

If anyone has any old expedition kit such as that listed below which they wish to donate to school please can they send it in with their child to Mrs Kirby in M7, it would be greatly appreciated. Sleeping bags (2 /3 season - washed and dried), old walking boots in good use (any sizes but NOT trainers / shoes), rolls mats (camping not yoga).


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