Year 11 Drop-Down Day - Latest News - St Clement Danes School



Year 11 Drop-Down Day

On Monday 17th October the Religious, Ethical and Philosophical studies department held a drop-down day for all Year 11 students on ‘Religion and the Workplace’.

In the morning, the students attended four talks from four religious professionals, Ron Piramide, Richard Walton, Ben Holbrook and Santhya Durg.

We invited these professionals ranging from therapists, bankers, police and counter-terrorist specialists. The professionals spoke to the students about their faith and career followed with a Q & A session.

Later in the afternoon, students were given time to reflect upon their own beliefs and values and research some careers that could be well-suited. They also researched ethical issues different career paths may face. The students came with an open mind and it was lovely to see them contribute and ask questions, with many saying they found the day extremely useful and insightful. A huge thank you to all our speakers who attended, and helped make the day such a success.



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