Commemoration Day November 2021 - Latest News - St Clement Danes School



Commemoration Day November 2021

On the 19th of November we were delighted to host commemoration day for the first time in two years at The Church of St Clement Danes, albeit with a scaled down audience in attendance due to covid restrictions still place. The service commemorates the founding of St. Clement Danes School in 1862. The day of the service is a Friday close to the 23rd November, being the day of St. Clement, Patron Saint of Mariners.

Students from Years 7 & 8 were present to partake in the wonderful service which was live streamed to the rest of the school community.

The Service was conducted by The Revd David Osborn and the address given by Revd Tim Horlock, Vicar of St Andrew’s Church Chorleywood.

A huge thank you to Ms Stevens and Mr Butterfield for arranging the talented Orchestra and Choir, who were spectacular as always.

The recorded service can be viewed .



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