National Day of Reflection - Latest News - St Clement Danes School



National Day of Reflection

Tuesday 23rd March was a Day of National Reflection. The day had been put forward by Marie Curie as the first anniversary of the first UK lockdown. In their words:  

Since the first lockdown began in 2020, hundreds of thousands of people have died. Too many lives have been cut short and millions have been bereaved.  

Behind the statistics and whatever the cause, every death has been devastating for the people left behind.  

Join us on 23rd March, the first anniversary of the first UK lockdown, for a National Day of Reflection to reflect on our collective loss, support those who've been bereaved, and hope for a brighter future.”  

To mark the day, the school assembly reflected on the past year, but also looked at some of the efforts and achievements of our staff and students both in and outside school. Whilst the day was about reflection, we felt that an assembly that focused exclusively on loss may have been very difficult for some of our school community.

We also joined in with the national silence at 12 noon and the Head Boy and Girl, Louis Ertl and Vinita Patel, joined the Headteacher Toby Sutherland in planting a tree to mark the occasion.   

Recently, we have seen our school community come together in many ways to support each other and to accomplish great things, (not least all those involved in the testing and return of the students); hopefully the day offered reflection, but also be a step towards a brighter future.   

To view the assembly please click here: 



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