Remembrance Day 2020 - Latest News - St Clement Danes School



Remembrance Day 2020

Remembrance Day was commemorated in the school courtyard this morning, when a small number of attendees from the school community were able to pay their respects at the school’s Remembrance Service. The service was led by the Reverend David Hall from Christ Church, Chorleywood, with Headteacher Mr Sutherland and a small number of staff members in attendance at the poignant service.

Wreaths were laid at the school's memorial by the Head Boy and Head Girl, Louis Ertl and Vinita Patel. A two-minute silence was held at 11am and the Last Post was expertly played by Year 10 student Shiv Khanna.

Despite this year's service being different as a result of COVID19, it was nevertheless a moving service. The reflective mood was shared with our students who participated in a Remembrance Assembly at the start of the school day led by Assistant Headteacher Mr Harris. Students also observed the two-minute silence at 11am.

Many thanks to the Reverend David Hall and to Assistant Headteacher Mr Garvey for respectively leading and organising the service.

Our school archivist, Fiona Hirst, has been researching information about the impact of the Second World War on students and staff at St Clement Danes School in Ducane Road, Hammersmith. Please click here to read personal stories of Old Danes who fought, died and lived during this period.

Please follow the link below to view the Remembrance assembly, and please see gallery below for photographs of the service

Remembrance In Memoriam

Remembrance 2020 Remembering Old Danes



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