Charities Week 2018 - Latest News - St Clement Danes School



Charities Week 2018

Charities Week began on Wednesday with a number of fund raising activities being held to raise money for three very worthy charities. Charities Week is an annual tradition at St Clement Danes School, always held in the last week of school before the school closes for the Christmas holidays. It is a time for festive fun for students and staff alike, whilst the school community raises money for chosen charities. This year the donations will be distributed between The Lynda Jackson Macmillan Centre, The UK Sepsis Trust and the Campaign against Living Miserably.

Charities Week began after the Christmas Carol Service with events continuing on Thursday and Friday, which was also a non-uniform day, requiring a £1 donation. The Charities Prefects in Year 13 have been planning for these special fundraising events, organising activities such as sumo wrestling, basketball and sprout-eating competitions, nail painting, sixth form students leading lessons after "kidnapping" teachers, tuck shops being held at break times, as well as the sale of uniform stickers, donuts and bleacher tickets for the revue. Last year, the Charities Committee raised more than £13,000.

Students and staff were looking forward to the Sixth Form Revue, which is always the highlight of Charities Week and this year's didn't disappoint. Carpool Karaoke, Fortnite dancing teachers and an inflatable dinosaur leading a rendition of 'The Anchor is our Emblem' were just some of the highlights.

Well done to all the sixth form students who have worked so hard to make these events such a success and to the Sixth Form team who are working behind the scenes. Finally, a huge thank you to the students, their families and to staff for their tremendous support of the event - a fantastic response meant that over £7000 had been collected by Thursday, and that total is steadily increasing!

Please see the photo gallery for a selection of photos taken during these events and follow the links below to find out further information about the three charities:

The Lynda Jackson Macmillan Centre based at Mount Vernon Hospital - supports cancer patients and their families through their drop-in centre and telephone services.

The UK Sepsis Trust  - raises public awareness of sepsis, educates health professionals and supports those affected by sepsis and their families.

CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably)  - offers men support and information when they’re down or in crisis at The charity exists to prevent suicide, the single biggest killer of men aged under 45 in the UK.



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