Students celebrate another fantastic set of A Level results - Latest News - St Clement Danes School



Students celebrate another fantastic set of A Level results

St Clement Danes students were celebrating today after gaining superb A level results. Over a third of grades (35%) were at A* or A with 11% achieving the coveted A* mark. The majority of students got into their chosen university or are using their grades to go straight into prestigious apprenticeships. Commenting this morning, Headteacher Dr Valentine said “I am delighted with these results which are a testament to the hard work of the students and the staff who taught them. In this year of much publicised change, St Clement Danes’ exceptional results have been maintained, despite the demands placed on both teachers and students by new exam specifications.” 5 students were able to take up places at Oxford or Cambridge, with 4 choosing to do so - another will be travelling to the USA to complete her further education there. A number of students received a clean sweep of A* grades. All are to be congratulated on their success; we wish them well as they go their separate ways but look forward to them returning to visit as Old Danes long into the future.



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